#743 Halloween 2017: The Hunger (1983)
A poetic a vampire movie that never actually mentions vampires aloud, The Hunger is an artistic – and also somewhat artsy – take on the subject.
The first theatrical feature of the director Tony Scott who had earned his chops earlier directing commercials, The Hunger is a visual treat. If you enjoyed Bladerunner, chances are you will find a lot to love in the dusty and smoky, even somewhat surreal interior shots seen here. The masquerading work that turns David Bowie from a 30-year old youngster to an almost mummified old man, plus the shots towards the end of the movie of fragile old bodies to chunks of dust are extraordinarily well made and presented smartly in the screenplay. The soundtrack is also refreshingly original, consisting of haunting classical tracks and numerous unique effects that suit the atmosphere perfectly.
The Hunger is first and foremost a drama with an erotic touch, and secondly a horror movie. The visuals play a huge role creating the atmosphere that make the movie entertaining, and had they executed in a subpar manner, the plot alone wouldn’t make much of a movie here. There are certainly moments that wander into style over substance, self-indulgent territory, but even so The Hunger has that uncanny quality of sticking with you long after the end credits have rolled.
80s-o-meter: 82%
Total: 80%