A movie that plays like an episode of a soap opera spiked with some likable scumbags, the roster of interesting characters here makes the experience well worth your while.
Kuukausi: elokuu 2016

#470 Escape from New York (1981)
While the film feels outdated and fails short of its premise, Carpenter’s Escape From New York is still a landmark movie that delivers first rate, style over substance bad assness.

#469 Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988)
It has to be admitted: A movie about the last stud searching for fertile women prisoned in the post apocalyptic wasteland by a bunch of mutant frogs while wearing a pair of explosive underpants sure sounds like a riot. Starring the always sympathetic Roddy Piper known from the later cult classic They Live (1987), Hell Comes To Frogdown plays all its cards with the awesome synopsis and within the 15 first minutes of the movie, and the rest of the film can’t keep up with the built up premise.
Obviously made with campiness in the mind, the movie could’ve been one of the great cult classics of the era – but as it is now, it somehow just tries and promises too much and delivers too little.
It’s not a completely lemon though, and still worth your while just as long as you know not to expect too much out of it.
Although it has the makings of a cult movie written all over it, Hell Comes To Frogtown doesn’t just deliver enough quirkiness and fun to make it to the hall of fame

#468 Tootsie (1982)
A solid, but ridiculously implausible comedy offers sticky situations, a few laughs and some food for thought, and is ultimately let down only by its sloppy ending.

#467 Paramedics (1988)
One of the bastard childs of the Police Academy series, Paramedics is a patchy, aimless effort to copy and paste elements from the more successful comedies of the era.

#466 Head Office (1985)
Head Office makes a series of successful, hilarious stabs at the grim dog-eat-dog big corporate world before losing its focus during its final 20 minutes.

#465 Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
Superior to its predecessor in almost every possible way, The Battle For Endor makes the Ewoks likable again and is (contrary to all the expectations) actually pretty enjoyable.

#464 Caravan of Courage – An Ewok Adventure (1984)
Don’t let the fancy poster or the Star Wars connection fool you. Apart from the solid matte painting work, Caravan of Courage is a soulless, pointless, empty shell of a movie.

#463 Radio Days (1987)
The autobiographical Radio Days is a charming trip down the memory lane to the golden days of the radio – and a true tribute to Woody Allen’s masterful story telling skills.