Campy, but not of the entertaining kind of campy, Krull is an outdated piece of british sword and sorcery meets lasers piece of turd the time has forgotten, and very rightly so.
Kuukausi: tammikuu 2016

#353 Rambo III (1988)
Rambo’s back with infinite ammo and health in the most expensive and visually stunning movie of the series, but also the most half-hearted and the least significant one.

#352 Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Due to Rambo and his gear becoming a much bigger phenomenon than the movies, the sequel is a marketing effort first and a (still a pretty decent) movie secondarily.

#351 First Blood (1982)
Although an amazing action movie in its own right, the first Rambo is first and foremost a character study and a social commentary, and only secondarily an action movie .

#350 Where the Buffalo Roam (1980)
Bill Murray captures the essence of Hunter S. Thompson perfectly, but with the script not going deep enough with its subject, the movie never delivers the mood of the books.

#349 Red Sonja (1985)
Red Sonja, the spin-off of the Conan movies is a tired addition to the sword & sorcery genre and stands as a good example why movies shouldn’t be made just quick bucks.

#348 Dune (1984)
Dubbed by Lynch himself as the mistake of his career, Dune is campy, pompous, incoherent mess that manages to combine almost every single aspect you hate about scifi.

#347 The Big Picture (1989)
A movie about making movies, The Big Picture is full of small inventive moments and tidbits about Hollywood, but those little details don’t exactly add up to a good movie.

#346 The Name of the Rose (1986)
Set in the middle-age monastery in Italy, The Name of the Rose is a statement for reason over superstition and justice over bigotry – plus it’s damn good whodunnit as well!

#345 Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
While I always applaud the effort of trying to go campy, Earth Girls Are Easy fails to impress as either a comedy or a movie and mostly just ends up a mess of a movie borrowing from the 50s space films and the vehicles of the era.
Earth Girls Are Easy does have some limited watchability due to its cast, just don’t except the experience to be side-splittingly funny.

#344 Blood Diner (1987)
Blood Diner tries its best to be bad – a cult bad – movie that on the other hand deserves credit for trying, but on the other, just doesn’t seem to quite work out at all.

#343 Wall Street (1987)
Based on the junk bond and insider trading scandals of the 80s, Wall Street is much more interesting movie than the subject suggests, but the plot is predictable all the way.

#342 Love Streams (1984)
Relying on the improvisation the characters here succesfully show more layers than an onion, but outside the character study Love Streams is on the dull and eventless side.

#341 Over the Top (1987)
Stallone renews his well-known role of a working man with a heart of gold fighting his way through the world that dismisses him as a loser.
And what can I say? The formula still works!

#340 Glory (1989)
Based on the real life events of US Civil War, Glory reserves an important part of afro-american history in a easy-to-watch form, but not with a very high replay value.

#339 Knightriders (1981)
One of those movies where you hope the weird concept would start to pay off at some point, but by the middle point it becomes painfully clear it’s just not going to happen.

#338 Repo Man (1984)
A young disillusioned punk gets drafted as a repossession agent, and runs into a bizarre chain of events in ’Repo Man’, a genre-defying experience unlike anything else.

#337 Footloose (1984)
With its formulaic plot that feels like belonging to the 50s rather than 80s, Footloose is an odd, cheesy, dance movie-musical – with one of the best 80s soundtracks out there!

#336 Electric Dreams (1984)
With imagery mixed straight from 80s computer ads and MTV, Electric Dreams is a great as small portions, but as a feature length film it never quite seems to take off.