James Caan shines as a jailbird trying to make up for the time lost in the prison by speed forwarding his personal life and taking on an offer from the mob that will jeopardise it all.
Kuukausi: kesäkuu 2016

#445 Midnight Run (1988)
The totally surprising chemistry between leads along with the witty manuscript and its great array of characters make Midnight Run a great comedy, and almost a perfect road movie.

#444 National Lampoon’s European Vacation (1985)
The sequel to the Vacation (1983) feels forced and outdated, and never quite seems to find its own voice. While not a classic, the individual gags are still funny, though.

#443 Heartbreak Hotel (1988)
A teenager uses an idiotic plot to kidnap an Elvis who doesn’t look like Elvis, who then goes around singing and fixing problems in this frustratingly stupid concept of a movie.

#442 I, Madman (1989)
Building upon a mediocre concept and a wonderful, film noir atmosphere, ’I, Madman’ is without surprises in its last 60 minutes and this would’ve worked better as a short film.

#441 Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (1989)
Bronson once more renews his vengeance motive in Kinjite, a cop movie with a pasted on oriental motive saved only by its over the edge, almost cartoon like portrayal of violence.

#440 Hollywood Shuffle (1987)
A proof that a low budget paired with talent can go far, Hollywood Shuffle is a original and refreshing stab against the powers of Hollywood, but some of its parts feel like time fillers.

#439 About Last Night… (1986)
About Last Night starts off as a mediocre comedy, turns into an awkward urban sex drama in the middle, but finally triumphs as a genuinely beautiful movie about being in love.

#438 Valley Girl (1983)
Riding in the tailwind of Frank Zappa’s popular song, Valley Girl does not dig anywhere deep enough into its personas and its shallowness is best summarised by its banal ending.

#437 My Science Project (1985)
On a paper and based on the stills I saw before watching the movie My Science Project seemed like a perfect 80s scifi adventure. Unfortunately the movie is handicapped by its uninspired plot that can’t be saved by the mediocre ideas loaned from other movies.

#436 Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
While the cinematography and the big foot make-up are top notch, Harry and the Hendersons lacks that special something charm that made the likes of E.T. and Alf iconic.