#481 Halloween 2016: A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 – The Dream Child (1989)

Another day, another Elm Street movie.
Considering that at times even the first sequel can be counted as beating a dead horse with a stick, there’s something almost kind of admirable doing it for the fourth time.
Made in what could be only described as an insane rush, the fifth freddy is not a bad movie, but clearly the most uneven of the series. It will constantly keep your interest level down with mediocre or even awkwardly bad design decisions and effects, only to completely surprise you with actually pretty amazingly well coordinated scenes that are among the best of the series.
No, scratch that. The motocycle scene in The Dream Child is so dynamite I’m willing to dub it as the best 10 minutes of the series.
So, In the end The Dream Child will leave you scratching your head. It’s a flawed product, but with many strong points that could’ve added up to a pretty decent movie in the end. Clearly the movie could’ve used more time in the preproduction and go through a few iteration rounds, and a lot of the material should’ve ended up on cutting room’s floor.
As it stands now, it’s a worthy, but ultimately disappointing effort for the last Elm Street movie of the decade.
With its numerous worst and best bits of the franchise, The Dream Child is a worthy, but ultimately disappointing effort for the last Elm Street movie of the decade.