#751 Halloween 2017: Friday the 13th Part V A New Beginning (1985)

A kickstart to a ’new’ series of Friday the 13th movies less than one year after the death of Jason, Friday the 13th A New Beginning is the first movie of the series trying to add a bit of something new to the mix.
Still, it’s very tired movie. Production values are again a step up from the previous movie, but the fact that the movie is a formulaic design crafted only to milk the existing franchise just shines through every crack and creak of the movie. New characters are introduced in a mind boggling rate, with the only purpose to see them killed just a few moments later. While there could’ve been some limited entertainment to the comedically graphic kills, almost all of them are cut short to meet the MPAA ”R” rating.
The cheap scares seen in the previous movie are fortunately gone here. Friday the 13th A New Beginning is a pure slasher with precisely timed kills happening mind-numbingly fast and often, with really nothing in the movie to make it memorable.
80s-o-meter: 85%
Total: 48%