#883 Bad Medicine (1985)

Steve Guttenberg, Julie Hagerty and a cast full of ’Hey, it’s that guy from the other movie’ supporting actors, Bad Medicine sure seems like a sure hit 80s comedy. But, there’s unfortunately something more or less off throughout the comedy.
This is not so say that Bad Medicine is a total dud. The cast keeps the show running and the movie even has multiple laugh out loud moments.
Done very much in the vein of Guttenberg’s Police Academy box office hit movie series, you could easily confuse this movie as a spinoff, especially if G.W.Bailey was seen as the dean or the school. Speaking of which, Alan Arkin does a wonderfully fine acting work as the love sick founder and dean of the school, mixing in just the right doses of desperation and foolish pride.
Bad Medicine has a lot of good things going for it and could’ve potentially been one of the definite comedies of the 80s, but woefully ends up much less than the sum of its parts.
80s-o-meter: 89%
Total: 62%